door Pro Dienstencheques - 3 years 1 month ago

This is what Minister of Work Hilde Crevits said when she announced that consumers who are breaking the corona measures could receive a sanction. In this way, she wants to make it possible for service voucher personnel to take action when safety measures are not met in their working environment. In case of a first violation, the consequence can be a maximum of a one-year suspension. In case of a repeated violation, the suspension can go up to five years.

The sector of domestic workers

Throughout the corona crisis, service voucher companies and domestic workers continued to work. Despite many measures and efforts of companies to increase safety, studies show that consumers do not always follow the rules. An example of this is that the consumer does not wear a face mask when the domestic helper is near.

Possible sanctions

Customers who are not following the rules will soon risk a suspension. A first offense is subject to a maximum suspension of one year. Repeated violations can take up to five years. This proposal was approved by the Flemish government and will shortly be submitted to the Flemish Parliament as a draft decree after advice from the SERV and the Council of State.

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